Wellness Wednesdays
Nice & Easy Fitness with Michelle
A gentle exercise class suitable for all abilities. Exercises can be done seated or standing.
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 10 - 11am
Cost: £3 per session
Lunch Club
Meet old friends and make new ones at our two course lunch, with board games and a proper home cooked lunch. Booking essential. Generously supported by Dorset Community Foundation.
Date: Wednesdays on 24th July, 11th September & 25th September
Time: 12 - 2pm. Lunch served at 1pm
Cost: £5 with children under 5 eating free
Taster Days
Every first Wednesday of the month you are invited to try taster sessions, based on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing:
Connect, Learn, Activity, Notice and Give (CLANG).
Feel good, move more, and have fun!
Time: 10am - 2pm
Upcoming dates:
Wednesday 5th June
Wednesday 3rd July
Wednesday 4th September
A healthy lunch is provided.
Pay what you feel the day is worth.